As tracking technologies advance, there is a growing need for analytical tools that can unlock the information contained in large, high-resolution datasets. In response, Smithsonian scientists have created open-source analytical tools that help scientists and practitioners make informed conservation decisions from animal movement datasets. Learn more below.

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Continuous-Time Movement Modeling

ctmm is an open-source software package for analyzing animal tracking data. It models animal movement as a continuous-time stochastic process to provide more accurate estimates of home-range size, energy expenditure and encounter rates in a convenient R package.

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ctmmweb is a user-friendly graphical interface for ctmm, designed for wildlife managers and conservation practitioners. It takes many of the most popular functions from the ctmm R package and makes them more accessible to users without coding experience.


Home Range Estimation map
Home Range Estimation
Energy Expenditure graphic
Energy Expenditure
Encounter Rates graphic
Encounter Rates

Education and Outreach

We are committed to making these tools accessible to movement ecologists and conservationists worldwide. For details about recent and upcoming training workshops, click on the logos below.

Meet The Team

Fellow & Head Quantitative Ecologist

Conservation Ecology Center Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Former Head Quantitative Ecologist

Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Former Postdoctoral Fellow

Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Former Postdoctoral Fellow

Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute


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